Welcome to "The Spin Cycle of Life".

This blog is my little creation as a way for ME to share with YOU all the fun and amazing things I am learning now that I have become a full time stay at home mom! Besides my children, my new little hobbies are Photography, Photo Editing, Digital Scrapbooking, and BLOGGING! I have been lucky enought to have a wonderful group of "lady" friends who have taught me sooo much in each of these areas...and I hope I can pass it all on to you! Enjoy!

And the name you ask......????Well, don't we all have days where we feel like we are on the spin cycle! ;)

Sunday, April 11, 2010


The first step in adding a little personal touch to your Blog is by changing the color of your center blogger. After a few ONE TIME only steps, you can change it any day you want very quickly and easily. SO those first few one time only steps......
~First go to the top right of your blog and click Dashboard. You can always find your "customize" either at the top of your blog, or through your dashboard. Next click LAYOUT and EDIT HTML.
             Towards the top you will see a section of "Variable names". Above the FIRST variable name, post this code:

< Variable name="blogwrappercolor" description="Blog Wrapper Color"
type="color" default="#fff" value="#ffffff" >

- Next scroll down until you see:

                                #outer-wrapper {
                                 width: 1000px;
Add this code directly behind the:         #outer-wrapper {

background: $blogwrappercolor;

Your end should look exactly like this:

                                          #outer-wrapper { background: $blogwrappercolor;
                                          width: 1000px;

-Then Hit Save

- At the top, go to "fonts and colors". With codes we added above, we can now change the color of our center blogger part(where you will type and post pictures).

- Click on "Blog Wrapper color". It will be the first option. If it's not there, you probably entered the a code in wrong. Go back and make sure all the correct changes are done.

- You can choose your color from the options they give you, or you can enter the HEX # into the box. You can get this # by double clicking on your color options in PS or gimp, and you will find a number that corresponds with every color. Copy it, and paste it in the box on your blog screen. You can change this color whenever you want.

- Click Save and view blog! (there will be white at the bottom until you do your first post)


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